What We Do
![Operations & Maintenance Icon](http://32wc.datsumoki.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/om_icon.png)
Operations and Maintenance
Through our full-spectrum Operations and Maintenance (O&M) services contracts, SA-TECH plays a critical role in the preparation of our Warfighters and the equipment they employ around the world. We specialize in supporting dynamic, live-fire test and training ranges that encompass three-dimensional battlespace on land, in the air, and at sea. We also provide O&M support to complex aerial and seaborne target systems/subsystems, and to threat-representative systems, electronic warfare (EW) systems, test instrumentation, and ancillary equipment operated on DoD ranges. We plan, schedule, coordinate, and execute training and test missions designed to enhance the readiness of the Warfighters and their equipment. We operate and maintain land, seaborne, and aerial assets in addition to scoring and test instrumentation systems, and perform scheduled (preventative) maintenance and unscheduled (intermediate and depot-level corrective) maintenance on range systems, targets, equipment, instrumentation, communications systems, vehicles, facilities and infrastructure. SA-TECH also provides highly specialized O&M support for EW systems, which simulate realistic EW threat environments for aircrew combat training on air-to-surface ranges.